After all these operations, we also have worked on the steering rack (Right Hand driving) by changing all the wearing parts and particularly, we have had a hard time finding a 6 teeth gear specific for the works Sptifire (it was using the one for the soon to be released GT6). This gear is almost impossible to find as a new part and it took us several month to find a new old stock. As a side note, normal spitfire rack gear is 7 teeth
Nous avons aussi pu, grâce à l’aide de Dave Pearson de Canley Classics (, trouver les pièces suivantes en aluminium : Peau de porte et aile arrière droite, Bas de caisse droit ainsi que le plancher gauche. Toutes ces pièces étaient trop abîmées pour être réutilisée sur la voiture. Elles seront donc entreposées, pendant que les nouvelles pièces seront assemblées sur la voiture.
We have also managed thanks to Dave Pearson from Canley Classics (, to find some Aluminium parts that we were in need of: Door Skin, Right hand Rear Wing, Right Sill or left hand floor. All these parts are too badly managed to be reasonably reused on the car and will be stored while the new parts will be used on the car
Pendant ce temps, avec l'aide amicale de notre ami Gus, nous passons de longues heures à décaper la carrosserie des multiples couches de peintures appliquées lors des multiples vies de la voiture
During that time, with the friendly help of our friend Gus, we spend countless hours to get rid of the multiple layers of paint that have been applied in the car many livesA suivre...